2018. 10. 5. 13:36

Hiding user accounts on the windows logon screen

Hiding Unused User Accounts on the Windows 7 Logon Screen

Possible values in the UserList registry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList key)

  • 0: Hide the user account on the Windows logon screen.
  • 1: Show the user account on the Windows logon screen.
  • 65536(0x10000): Hide the user account on the Windows logon screen and control panel.

2018. 1. 3. 11:13

Winlogon Automatic Restart Sign-On (ARSO)

  • What is ARSO?
    • It makes a device will automatically sign-in the last interactive user after Windows Update restarts the system.
    •  We can decide to use this function or not by GPO or other options.
    • link
  • But after Win 10 RS3 1709 build 16251, this function has been extended to regular reboots and shutdowns.

2014. 1. 9. 10:24

Get Logon Session (AuthenticationId)

Process Explorer를 보면 Logon Session 이란 항목이 존재한다.

하나의 Session 내의 다수의 Logon 계정이 동시 존재할 수 있으며, 그 때마다 다른 Logon Session을 부여 받는다.

RunAs 인 경우가 대표적인 경우이다. 

해당 값을 구하는 코드는 다음과 같다.

TOKEN_STATISTICS 구조체의 AuthenticationId member에 해당 값이 존재한다.


if(!::GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenStatistics, pStatic, buf.size(), &dwLength))

LUID luid = pStatic->AuthenticationId;

2013. 9. 25. 18:17

Windows Security Collection


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