2021. 5. 12. 16:34


2020. 9. 18. 11:10

Debugging for x64

2020. 7. 1. 10:31

Chrome Browser debug logs

2019. 12. 16. 18:06

Debugging for device driver

2018. 9. 17. 15:01

Kernel Debugging

2018. 1. 18. 14:15

How to create conditional breakpoint in Visual Studio

  1. String
    1. std::stirng
      1. Ansi 
        • strcmp(newString._Bx._Ptr,"my value")==0
      2. Unicode
        • wcscmp(newString._Bx._Ptr, L"my value")==0
      3. Example 
        • wcscmp(dosPath._Bx._Ptr,  L"C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe") == 0
      4. link

2016. 11. 4. 15:32

API Monitor

API Monitor    

2016. 5. 23. 14:05


2015. 3. 11. 16:31

Windows Installer logging

Windows Installer logging

How to enable Windows Installer logging

To enable Windows Installer logging yourself, open the registry with Regedit.exe and create the following path and keys:


Reg_SZ: Logging
Value: voicewarmupx

How to enable Windows Installer logging

2015. 2. 16. 17:21

Problem Steps Recorder